• How does this service relate to copyright?

    In Malaysia, copyright is automatically granted upon creation of a work. There is no direct relationship between the Prepublication Data Service and copyright. However, registration of an ISBN (if you have one), an application for the Prepublication Data Service, and Legal Deposit may assist with proving copyright.

  • What is the difference between an ISBN, an ISSN and an ISMN?

    An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique identifier for books.

    An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique identifier for serial publications. A serial is a publication made up of a number of parts issued in sequence and linked by a continuous title. Annual reports, newspapers, journals, and magazines are some examples of serial publications.

    An ISMN (International Standard Music Number) is a unique identifier for notated music publications. 

  • Can I make changes to my book details once I have submitted the application?

    Contact us if you need to make changes to your book details after you have submitted the application.

  • Why does the National Library need my contact details?

    Your details are collected so we can contact you about your application, if necessary.

    We do not disclose personal information contained in your Prepublication Data Service application to any external third party. See our Privacy Policy.

  • Do I need to have an ISBN?

    No, you do not have to have an ISBN to use the Prepublication Data Service.

    If you want to sell your book, or make it easier to find, we do recommended that you get an ISBN.


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